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Task is to improve teachers’ professional practice
Research on teacher workload
Over the past few years, teachers have expressed concern about their conditions of professional practice. As a result, in 2011, Rocky View Local No. 35 and Calgary Public Teachers Local No. 38 undertook a study of teacher workload. In addition, the Alberta Teachers’ Association encouraged teachers to participate in the 2012 national study on workload issues conducted by Linda Duxbury, of the Sprott School of Business at Ryerson University. Duxbury’s 2011/12 National Study on Balancing Work, Life and Caregiving in Canada: The Situation for Alberta Teachers found that teachers in this province work more hours than most members of other professions. She also found that Alberta’s teachers have limited flexibility in their work and little control over the factors that contribute to their increasing workload.
The Association worked diligently over the course of recent contract negotiations to come up with ways to address the problem of excessive workload. The result was the formation of the Joint C2 Committees on Teachers’ Workload (C2 stands for Section C2 of the framework), which are meant to give teachers the chance to provide significant input into their work.
Joint C2 committees will review work of teachers
The Assurance for Students Act, Bill 26, which imposed a four-year labour settlement on teachers and school boards, was passed in the Alberta legislature on May 15, 2013. The legislation brings into effect Premier Alison Redford’s earlier offer of a provincial framework agreement for all teachers and school boards in Alberta. If teachers take full advantage of the opportunities provided by the government’s framework, there is great potential to make fundamental changes to teacher work. Part C of the framework agreement is devoted to the topic of teacher workload, and clause 2 contains the following provision:
Upon the ratification of this Framework Agreement, within each school jurisdiction a joint committee will be established and maintained for at least the duration of this Framework Agreement to design, direct and conduct internal reviews to determine what jurisdiction-initiated tasks or policies can be eliminated or modified to reduce teacher workload and improve teacher efficacy. The committee shall be comprised of representatives of the School Jurisdiction named by the School Jurisdiction, teachers named by the Association Bargaining Unit and a facilitator provided by Alberta Education. The school jurisdiction and Association Bargaining Unit shall jointly determine the size and composition of the committee such that it reflects the diversity of teaching circumstances across the jurisdiction.
The Joint C2 committees will operate from May 2013 to August 2016. Each committee will consist of teachers, representatives from school jurisdictions and a facilitator from Alberta Education. Joint C2 committees will review the work of teachers, substitute teachers, school administrators and central office staff who are members of the bargaining unit. Initial meetings this June will be held in conjunction with the Alberta School Boards Association and the College of Alberta School Superintendents.
Joint C2 committees have already begun work in some areas. On May 21, local presidents and economic policy chairs attended a preliminary video-streamed meeting that provided information about committee structure and scope. Additional meetings are scheduled for June to support locals as they determine the structures of their committees. Provincial Executive Council has approved resources for Joint C2 committee leads to attend the ATA’s Summer Conference, in August.
The work of the Joint C2 committees won’t be easy; no quick solutions exist and the factors affecting teacher work are complex. Teachers, however, are the authoritative voice on their work and they know better than anyone what changes must be made. Alberta teachers have a unique opportunity to improve their conditions of professional practice and, by doing so, improve learning conditions for their students.
For more information about a Joint C2 committee in your area, please contact your local president.